

Love Better

We are seeing--in the Church, on social media, and pretty much wherever Christians are interacting--division that looks very similar to the kind of division we saw in the Church in Corinth during the 1st Century. Within the context of the division amongst the Christians in Corinth, the Apostle Paul painted a picture of what true love looks like by laying out, what I see as, sixteen ways to love better. Love Better is a modern explanation of 1st Corinthians 13 as, not a wedding passage, but a powerful explanation of how we are supposed to love each other and our communities better.

“In Love Better, Arron Chambers reminds us what can happen when we make the love, grace, truth, and mercy of Jesus more accessible. He reminds us that lost people don’t need us to hand them another tract, they just need us to love them Jesus.” —Bob Goff Author, NYT Times Best Sellers Love Does, Everybody Always, Dream Big, and Undistracted

Eats with Sinners

If you want to follow Jesus on the incredible journey of sharing Him while sharing life with others, it’s time to eat with sinners—people just like you...and me.

As long as people have been sharing their faith, there have been critics. Even Jesus dealt with naysayers as He spread His gospel: “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them” (Luke 15:2, NIV). Sometimes we worry about our reputation when we spend time with non-Christians. But more than that, we worry about the time we spend with non-Christians: Will we understand each other? Will I offend them? Will they offend me? How long will it take before this relationship falls apart?

Every meal Jesus ate, He ate with sinners. And over food and drink, through stories and insights and observations and conversations, people let their guards down, and sinners came to know the love of God and the hope of salvation. Now revised and updated, Eats with Sinners helps you to let your guard down so the love of God can get out across the table to your non-Christian friends.

“Arron Chambers’ passion and heart for people come through powerfully in Eats with Sinners. This is a fantastic resource for all of us to be reminded and challenged by the way of Jesus. Arron points to how we can engage people with the purpose of Jesus in practical and inspiring ways.” —Jud Wilhite, Senior pastor of Central Church


Being a disciple of Jesus is an issue of devotion rather than duty. Before Peter began the most important act of his life—discipleship—Jesus didn’t ask him, “How many chapters of the Torah did you read today?” or “Are you attending services at the synagogue each week?” or “Did you give your tithe today?” No, before Peter began his journey of discipleship, Jesus asked him, “Do you love Me?” Arron Chambers thinks that we are asking new disciples of Christ the wrong questions and that it’s time to start truly following the example of Christ by asking of disciples what Christ asked of Peter: devotion, not duty. In Devoted, Arron presents a new paradigm for discipleship: falling in love with Jesus. This approach to discipleship emphasizes passion for Jesus as opposed to a plan for following Jesus.

“What a romp! I have rarely enjoyed reading a book as much as I did this one. It was filled with great stories, joyous delight and powerful meaning. Mary Poppins was right, A little bit of sugar does make the medicine go down. And what is that medicine? Become a fully devoted follower of Jesus.” —Bill Hull, Author of The Disciple Making Pastor, The Disciple Making Church, Christlike, and the Complete Book of Discipleship

Scripture to Live By

True stories and spiritual lessons inspired by the word of God from the author of Running on Empty and Love Better.

A powerful compilation of stories from people all around the country to share the importance of faith, each story a testimony to living a life in this world as a follower of Christ.

Narrow-Minded Evangelism (Free eBook)

The Golden Rule is one of the best-known and most quoted scriptures in the Bible. But, what if we have it all wrong? What if The Golden Rule was never meant to be a simple and safe mantra—recited to children to get them to see the importance of sharing their toys with one another? What if we’ve looked at that verse too narrowly and missed Christ’s point altogether? What if The Golden Rule is really a profoundly dangerous mission statement—to be embraced by Christ followers and lead people away from the broad way that leads to death and back onto the narrow way that leads to life? Using The Golden Rule as a mission statement, pastor and author Arron Chambers shares the keys you and your church can use to help more lost people find the narrow way that leads to life.

Key highlights:

  • Thorough exploration of Matthew 7:12-14 and historical origins of The Golden Rule
  • Contextual biblical analysis of when Jesus spoke these words, who He spoke them to and why He spoke them
  • Why these verses speak into the ethics of how we treat each other and are a powerful paradigm for evangelism
  • Lies individuals and churches believe that hinder their efforts to reach the lost
  • Why evangelism must be intentional
  • Why evangelism is a matter of life and death and should drive us to a sense of urgency
  • The multiple ways the church makes finding and following the narrow way even more difficult than what Jesus said it would be (Matthew 7:13).
  • Three areas of focus for simplifying evangelism

Running on Empty

There’s a poster circulating that says, “All men die, but not all men truly live.” It’s something to ponder. Are we truly living? We get up, brush our teeth, hug our kids and go to work, school, or the couch. We inhale and exhale shallow, safe breaths. We pay our bills. We get through each day. But is this living? Maybe not.

Running on Empty was written to recharge today’s believers. The author describes twenty-one qualities for living life to the fullest based on the Gospel of John and shows readers how to get on the path to a full and meaningful life!

Remember Who You Are

Identity precedes purpose—once we understand who we are, we more clearly understand why we are here. Let Remember Who You Are help you understand how your identity is crucial to fulfilling your destiny. Questions for personal reflection and group discussion included.

“If you are ready to discover who you are and why you are here, read this book.” —Mark Batterson, Lead Pastor of National Community Church & Author of In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day & Whisper

Arron’s writing is represented by Don Pape at Pape Commons



I am a true believer in the immeasurable love of God, the intrinsic value of all people, and the transformational power of words—spoken and written—to change lives and change the world.

I’m also a believer who loves the Church!

For the past sixteen years, I’ve been honored to be the Lead Pastor of Journey Christian Church in Greeley, Colorado. Journey is a dynamic multisite church—with a campus in Aurora, Colorado and in the Sterling Correctional Facility.

I have been honored to write eight books, including Remember Who You Are!, Eats With Sinners, Devoted, and my latest book, Love Better.

Besides being a Pastor and Author, Coaching is in my DNA! Besides being an award-winning Track and Cross-Country Coach at the local High School, I’m also a Professional Life, Relationship, Marriage, Leadership, and Business Coach.

I am the Co-Founder of the Connect Leadership Network—a network of over 80 pastors from all over North America who meet virtually each week for coaching, soul-care, and collaboration.

I also serve as the Strategic Leader of Marriage & Family for the Christian Church Leadership Network, an official author/speaker for Married People, and Family Coach for the national men’s ministry: Warrior 3 Project.

I host the Enjoy the Journey with Arron Chambers podcast.

I also am an entrepreneur who has founded two successful companies—including the Tri Life Consulting Company and the Blessings Investments Group.

I hold several degrees, including a Master of Arts in Church History and Theology from Abilene Christian University.

But, most importantly I am Rhonda’s husband (of 33 years), Ashton, Levi, Sylas, and Payton’s Dad, Nevada, Virgil, Ophelia, and Florence’s Pops, and Father in Law to CJ and Tanya.

Learn More about Journey Christian Church



For the past 30 years, beyond the countless hours I’ve invested in Pastoral Counseling, I’ve also coached thousands of couples, individuals, and business leaders as a Professional Life, Relationship, Marriage, Business, and Leadership Coach.

I am currently Coaching close to 100 clients from all over the world.

I have expertise in...

  • Communication
  • DISC Personality Profile
  • Boundaries
  • Leadership
  • Marriage Issues
  • Marriage Intensives
  • Visioneering

After 11 years of marriage, the roller coaster of highs and lows was becoming unbearable for both of us. Arron has refocused us on God’s plan for our marriage and with his principles and action steps, our marriage and family life has never been more fullfilling and rewarding.” —J.K and K.K, Colorado

Working with Pastor Arron allowed us to stop fighting, look at the issues and get on the same team again. We would not be where we are today without his help. There are hundred of other couples in our organization who would say the same thing. I think everyone needs occasional ‘Arron Sessions’ to help grow their marriage.” —B.L & S.L, Florida

In working with Arron, my wife have been able to take our good marriage and make it great.” —D.M., Oregon

We were having a really rough time communicating and were struggling to have the relationship and family that we knew we wanted. After applying the principles Arron taught us, we are in a great place and the future is bright!” —E.S., Colorado

Set up a Coaching Session with Arron



Nationwide Youth Roundup
July 21, 2024
Sedalia, CO

Canoe Creek Christian Church
July 28th, 2024
4080 Pine Tree Dr.
St. Cloud, FL 34772
9am & 10:30 am

MLX Seminar
September 19-21, 2024
Orlando, FL 32821

MLX Seminar
January 23-25, 2025
Orlando, FL 32821

Interested in Arron Speaking at Your Event?



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    print 'Iteration ' + i;

print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


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  2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
  3. Felis enim feugiat.
  4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
  6. Felis enim et feugiat.





Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


  • Disabled
  • Disabled
